Stateful Precompiles


  • Identify what state of readiness the implementation of state-ful precompiles here is
  • evm module (x/evm)
    • Replicates geth EVM logic for EVM txs
    • creates a StateDB adapter to store EVM state as cosmos-sdk state (so not actually stored as merkle-patricia tree) (x/evm/statedb)
      • Applies / reads state updates from this adapter (Keeper)
    • Each tx spawns a new instance of an EVM w/ the updated cached-stateDB and executes against that state
      • In this process, the set of CustomPrecompiles are instantiated
    • Utilizes transient stores for block-bloom tx-indices etc
      • transient here meaning that this state only exists between begin / end-block
    • state
      • code
        • Key: contract addy
        • Value: contract byte-code
      • storage
        • Stores state for smart-contract storage
      • block bloom / tx-index
        • Transient stores
    • state-transitions
      • lifecycle
        • Node receives bcast
          • via eth-jsonRPC (this is a standard ethereum tx)
            • The ingressed tx is converted to an sdk-tx and inserted into a block
          • via comet broadcast
            • tx is directly inserted to a block
        • EVM msg_handler actually applies the tx to state, and caches updates
    • PostTxProcessing
      • Logic to execute directly after the tx-execution of an EVM Tx
      • Executed in the same context as the tx
        • If this logic fails, the whole tx-fails
      • Example
        • ERC-20 transfers in EVM are reflected in the cosmos-side via this mechanism
  • what are we missing of value?
    • IBC → evmos has additional features to enable IBC sending erc20 tokens?
    • precompiles → evmos has the ability for SCs to interact w/ cosmos
    • erc20 module → ERC20s in the EVM are treated as cosmos-sdk tokens